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Sunday, April 24, 2005

Sunny Sunday

I'm hoping this blog won't become mundane. :)
Today has been beautiful and sunny here in Tacoma. We haven't had our heat on for two days. Right now we have the window open. Since the time change, it seems like the days are incredibly longer!
We went to visit Evva today (MIL). She is well. Then we went to McDonald's and had supper. I don't know if they have these everywhere, since Tillamook cheese is made in Oregon, but we had a new Tillamook Bacon Cheeseburger. It was "the bomb"!!!! It was almost as good as homemade! :o) Very yummy. Oh, they also brought back the boxes for the Happy Meals!!! The boys love the boxes vs. the bags, so they thought that was neat.
While we were there, some interesting, thought-provoking things happened. First, just after we'd sat down, a man came in carrying a bottle, and asking people for money. We were torn as to what to do, because he obviously had enough money to buy himself his alcohol, but would go hungry now. What to do? Jef ended up helping him get some dinner. Still feels weird, because one doesn't want to encourage begging and drinking, but you also don't want a person to go hungry, you know?
While this man was wandering around asking for money, a large group of people were trying to all sit together. After a bit we overheard one of the men talking about how they had 549 people in church that morning, and would soon reach 600. I guess Jef and I are tired of numbers, or tired of people not being concerned with souls. The man didn't say anything about how many people came forward, or anything like that. What is the point of having so many people? How are you able to have a family with that many people? These people didn't even seem to notice the man asking for money for dinner. Jef and I talked about Rick Warren and how his dream was to have a church of 20,000 when he grew up. We don't understand that.
I get tired of the whole seeker-sensitive thing. Jesus said the Gospel would be offensive to people. I don't know how much I want to say on this. :)
On our way home, we stopped at Blockbuster and picked up Paper Mario & the 1,000-year Door. We joined Blockbuster's online movie club, which means that we can get three movies by mail at a time for $14.95/mo. With this deal, we also get two free game rentals or in-store rentals a month. It has already paid for itself because Jef rented Jedi Knight and found out he doesn't want to buy it. So that saved us $35. :o)
Nicholas and I went to Target together. We bought a pillow, a trash can, hair spray and animal crackers. Doesn't sound that exciting, but it was fun Mommy-Nicholas time. :o)
Now we are all in the living room hanging out together. The boys & Jef are playing the game, Nicholas is sacked out on the floor (his big bear "MM" is on top of him) & I am blogging. :o)
Oh, yes, and wonderful news -- Jef installed Picaso 2 (a program from, through Google, through another company) to help me post pictures and guess what it did? It went through all our media (video & pictures is what we know about so far) files and corrupted a bunch. "Apparently", Jef says. He says that because that's what we can figure from what happened. (He installed it, and things went bonkers, so ...)
Ok, I'm gonna scoot. :) See you next time! Oh, and thanks for the comments -- you don't have to be a member to comment, just so ya know.


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